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Api Documentation - Products V2

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Your credentials carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your secret API credentials.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.


Basic Auth

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This is a list of objects representing our entire range. You can retrieve it to see the most up-to-date information regarding our products.

This list will be custom to you as all of our endpoints are bespoke build to meet as many of your requirements as possible.


GET https://api.impressioneurope.co.uk/v2/your-endpoint

The default product object

sku string
Unique identifier for the product.
url string
The URL for accessing the product on our website.
attributes object
An object containing attributes associated to the product.
attribute.isExpress bool
Whether the product is available on our express service.
attribute.isConfectionery bool
Whether the product is a confectionery item. Attributes marked [confectionery only] will be null and can be ignored if this is false.
attribute.isTubes [IN DEVELOPMENT] bool
Whether the product is Tube item. Attributes marked [tubes only] will be null and can be ignored if this is false.
attribute.isNew bool
Whether the product is a new item.
attribute.isBestSeller bool
Whether the product is a best-selling item.
attribute.isEcoBasic bool
Whether the product is made from 10% – 30% ecological materials.
attribute.isEcoFriendly bool
Whether the product is made from 31% – 60% ecological materials.
attribute.isEcoProof bool
Whether the product is made from 61% – 100% ecological materials.
attribute.isSmartSustainable bool
Whether the product is part of our sustainable assortment.
title string
A string often used for displaying to users.
description object
An object containing descriptions for the product.
description.general string
A string often used for displaying to users.
description.information string
A string often used for displaying to users. Usually seperated from the general description with different styling.
description.warning string
A string often used for displaying to users. Usually seperated from the general description with different styling.
restrictions object
An object containing restrictions associated to the product.
restrictions.minimumQuantity int, default 1
The minimum order quantity for the product.
restrictions.quantityIncrements int, default 1
The quantity increment indicates the multiples in which the product must be ordered. For instance, some mugs are packaged in boxes of six, they must be sold as a complete box, so the increment would be set to six.
priceBreaks array of objects
An array of objects containing plain stock pricing for the product.
priceBreaks.quantity int
Price break quantity.
priceBreaks.price decimal
Price break price.
branding object
An object containing branding information for the product.
branding.isMandatory bool
Whether branding is mandatory on the product.
branding.mandatoryPositions int
If branding is mandatory, how many of the positions are mandatory.
branding.options array of objects
An array of objects containing branding options and pricing available on the product.
branding.options.position string
Position of the branding option on the product.
branding.options.method string
Method of the branding option.
branding.options.area string
Area of the branding option in millimeters.
branding.options.isFullColour bool
Whether the branding option is full colour print.
branding.options.maxColours int
Max colours achievable for this branding option. If isFullColour is true, this defaults to 99.
branding.options.restrictions array of objects
An array of objects containing restrictions of this branding option.
branding.options.restrictions.minimumQuantity int
Minimum quantity allowed when ordering with this branding option selected.
branding.options.restrictions.minimumCharge decimal
Minimum charge when ordering with this branding option selected.
branding.options.priceBreaks array of objects
An array of objects containing price breakdown of this branding option.
branding.options.priceBreaks.quantity int
Price break quantity.
branding.options.priceBreaks.price decimal
Price of first colour or full colour print.
branding.options.priceBreaks.priceSubsequent decimal
Price of all subsequent colours if applicable.
branding.options.setup decimal
Price of setup charge (per colour).
branding.options.handling decimal
Price of handling charge (per item).
branding.options.image object
An object containing image information for the branding option.
branding.options.image.src string
Url to access an image showing the branding option area against the product via CDN.
branding.options.image.width int
Dimensions of the image in pixels.
branding.options.image.height int
Dimensions of the image in pixels.
branding.options.image.dateCreated date
Date the image was created.
branding.options.image.dateUpdated date
Date the image was updated.
branding.template string
Url to access a PDF branding template of all branding options against the product via CDN.
colours array of objects
An array of objects containing colour and stock information for the product.
colours.code string
Unique identifier for the colour.
colours.baseCode string
Unique identifier for the base colour. e.g. if colour is "light blue", base code will be "005" (blue). This is often used to help with filtering products.
colours.name string
An arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users.
colours.stock object
An object containing stock information for the product colour.
colours.stock.quantity int
Stock level of product colour.
colours.stock.reserved int
Currently reserved stock level of product colour.
colours.stock.backorders array of objects, default is null
An array of objects containing quantity and delivery date of backorder stock.
colours.stock.backorders.quantity int
Quantity of ordered product colour.
colours.stock.backorders.dateDelivery date
Expected delivery date of backorder.
colours.rgb array of strings
An array of strings representing rgb values of the product's colour. Often useful for displaying to users. A single value indicates a solid color, while multiple values are used to create a linear gradient.
confectionery object [confectionery only]
An object containing the confectionery information for the product.
confectionery.dietary object
An array of objects identifying the dietary credentials for the product.
confectionery.dietary.isVegan boolean
Whether the product is suitable for a vegan.
confectionery.dietary.isVegetarian bool
Whether the product is suitable for a vegetarian.
confectionery.dietary.isGlutenFree bool
Whether the product is gluten-free.
confectionery.shelfLife string
The shelf life of the product.
confectionery.ingredients string
The ingredients of the product.
search object
An object containing the search information for the product.
search.categories array of objects
An array of objects identifying the categories associated to the product.
search.categories.id guid
Unique identifier for the category.
search.categories.parentId bool
Unique identifier for the parent category.
search.categories.name string
Name of the category.
search.categories.url string
Url path of the category.
search.materials array of strings
An array of strings representing searchable material values associated to the product.
search.keywords array of strings
An array of strings populated by us to help identify the product during searches.
specifications object
An object containing the specifications of the product.
specifications.dimensions object
An object containing the dimensions of the product.
specifications.dimensions.diameter decimal
Diameter of the product in millimeters.
specifications.dimensions.height decimal
Height of the product in millimeters.
specifications.dimensions.width decimal
Width of the product in millimeters.
specifications.dimensions.length decimal
Length of the product in millimeters.
specifications.dimensions.depth decimal
Depth of the product in millimeters.
specifications.materials array of strings
An array of strings representing the full list of materials of the product.
specifications.weight decimal
Weight of the product in grams.
specifications.countryOfOrigin string
The country of origin of the product.
specifications.commodityCode string
The commodity code of the product.
specifications.writingColour string
If applicable, the writing colour of the product (ink).
specifications.certificates array of strings
An array of strings representing the certification held against the product.
specifications.batteries array of objects
An array of objects representing the battery types and quantities included with the product.
specifications.batteries.type string
Battery type.
specifications.batteries.quantity int
Battery quantity.
deliveryTime string
The guide delivery time of the product. This does not include information about our express items.
packaging object
An object representing the packaging information of the product.
packaging.palletQuantity int
Quantity of products per pallet.
packaging.innerCarton object
An object containing the information of the inner carton.
packaging.innerCarton.quantity int
Quantity of products in inner carton.
packaging.innerCarton.weight decimal
Weight of inner carton in kilograms.
packaging.innerCarton.dimensions object
An object containing the dimensions of the inner carton.
packaging.innerCarton.dimensions.width decimal
Width of the inner carton in millimeters.
packaging.innerCarton.dimensions.length decimal
Length of the inner carton in millimeters.
packaging.innerCarton.dimensions.height decimal
Height of the inner carton in millimeters.
packaging.outerCarton object
An object containing the information of the outer carton.
packaging.outerCarton.quantity int
Quantity of products in outer carton.
packaging.outerCarton.weight decimal
Weight of outer carton in kilograms.
packaging.outerCarton.dimensions object
An object containing the dimensions of the outer carton.
packaging.outerCarton.dimensions.width decimal
Width of the outer carton in millimeters.
packaging.outerCarton.dimensions.length decimal
Length of the outer carton in millimeters.
packaging.outerCarton.dimensions.height decimal
Height of the outer carton in millimeters.
packaging.isPackedInPolyBag bool
Whether the product is individually packaged in a poly-bag.
packaging.isPackedInGiftBox bool
Whether the product is individually packaged in a gift box.
marketing object
An object representing the marketing information of the product.
marketing.name string
The marketing name we have given the product.
marketing.image360Url string
Url to access a 360-degree viewer showcasing the product
marketing.youtubeUrl string
Url linking to a YouTube video showcasing the product.

The Product Object

   "sku": "003076",
   "url": "https://www.impressioneurope.co.uk/soft-feel-notebook-approx-a5/003076/",
   "attributes": {
      "isExpress": true,
      "isConfectionery": false,
      "isTubes": false,
      "isNew": false,
      "isBestSeller": true,
      "isEcoBasic": false,
      "isEcoFriendly": false,
      "isEcoProof": false,
      "isSmartSustainable": false
   "title": "Soft feel notebook (approx. A5)",
   "description": {
      "general": "Introducing the Soft Feel Notebook, the ultimate companion for anyone who loves to…",
      "information": "Approx. A5, 96 lined pages, PU cover, coloured ribbon marker & elastic nylon…",
      "warning": null
   "restrictions": {
      "minimumQuantity": 1,
      "quantityIncrements": 1
   "priceBreaks": [
         "quantity": 1,
         "price": 0.99,
         "quantity": 250,
         "price": 0.88,
   "branding": {
      "isMandatory": false,
      "mandatoryPositions": 0,
      "options": [
            "position": "front",
            "method": "pad",
            "area": "80 x 60",
            "isFullColour": false,
            "maxColours": 3,
            "restrictions": {
               "minimumQuantity": 1,
               "minimumCharge": 20
            "priceBreaks": [
                  "quantity": 250,
                  "price": 0.35,
                  "priceSubsequent": 0.24
                  "quantity": 500,
                  "price": 0.30,
                  "priceSubsequent": 0.19
            "setup": 99,
            "handling": 0.99,
            "image": {
               "src": "https://cdn.impressioneurope.co.uk/media/a123bc45/3076-front-pad.png",
               "width": 300,
               "height": 500,
               "dateCreated": "2020-01-01T09:30:00.000Z",
               "dateUpdated": "2023-12-20T17:05:00.000Z",
      "template": "https://cdn.impressioneurope.co.uk/media/1abc23de/3076-branding-template.pdf"
   "colours": [
         "code": "005",
         "baseCode": null,
         "name": "Blue",
         "stock": {
            "quantity": 181679,
            "reserved": 0,
            "backorders": [
                  "quantity": 30000,
                  "dateDelivery": "2023-02-03T00:00:00"
         "rgb": [
            "32 124 189"
         "code": "018",
         "baseCode": "005",
         "name": "Light blue",
         "stock": {
            "quantity": 79432,
            "reserved": 0,
            "backorders": null
         "rgb": [
            "98 194 243"
   "images": {
      "pngs": [
            "sizes": {
               "full": "https://cdn.impressioneurope.co.uk/media/z987yx6/003076-008999999-2d090-frt…",
               "detail": "https://cdn.impressioneurope.co.uk/media/z987yx6/003076-008999999-2d090-frt…",
               "index": "https://cdn.impressioneurope.co.uk/media/z987yx6/003076-008999999-2d090-frt…",
               "thumb": "https://cdn.impressioneurope.co.uk/media/z987yx6/003076-008999999-2d090-frt…"
            "sizesPadded": {
               "full": "https://cdn.impressioneurope.co.uk/media/z987yx6/003076-008999999-2d090-frt…",
               "detail": "https://cdn.impressioneurope.co.uk/media/z987yx6/003076-008999999-2d090-frt…",
               "index": "https://cdn.impressioneurope.co.uk/media/z987yx6/003076-008999999-2d090-frt…",
               "thumb": "https://cdn.impressioneurope.co.uk/media/z987yx6/003076-008999999-2d090-frt…"
            "colourCode": "008",
            "src": "https://cdn.impressioneurope.co.uk/media/z987yx6/003076-008999999-2d090-frt-pro…",
            "width": 1200,
            "height": 2000,
            "dateCreated": "2022-07-26T10:53:53.117Z",
            "dateUpdated": "2022-07-26T10:56:04.207Z"
      "jpgs": [
   "confectionery": {
      "dietary": {
         "isVegan": false,
         "isVegetarian": false,
         "isGlutenFree": false
      "shelfLife": "6-12 months",
      "ingredients": [
   "search": {
      "categories": [
            "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "parentId": null,
            "name": "Eco",
            "url": "/eco/"
            "id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
            "parentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "name": "Eco materials",
            "url": "/eco/materials/"
            "id": "22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222",
            "parentId": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
            "name": "Bamboo",
            "url": "/eco/materials/bamboo/"
      "materials": [
      "keywords": [
         "PU Cover",
   "specifications": {
      "dimensions": {
         "diameter": null,
         "height": 15.6,
         "width": 140,
         "length": 210,
         "depth": null
      "materials": [
      "weight": 281,
      "countryOfOrigin": "China",
      "commodityCode": "48201030",
      "writingColour": "Blue",
      "certificates": [
      "batteries": [
            "type": "Cell-LR41",
            "quantity": 3
   "deliveryTime": "10-12 days",
   "packaging": {
      "palletQuantity": 1500,
      "innerCarton": {
         "quantity": 25,
         "weight": 7.25,
         "dimensions": {
            "width": 155,
            "length": 210,
            "height": 110
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         "quantity": 50,
         "weight": 14.64,
         "dimensions": {
            "width": 320,
            "length": 435,
            "height": 240
      "isPackedInPolyBag": true,
      "isPackedInGiftBox": false
   "marketing": {
      "name": "The Braiswick",
      "image360Url": "https://snap360.sirv.com/spins/Impression/3076/3076.spin",
      "youtubeUrl": null